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COVID-19: Dodgers Players and Employees Taking Antibody Tests this Week

COVID-19: Dodgers Players Reportedly Taking Antibody Tests
Joe Kelly: “I know guys on the team who have taken it. Whoever is in California got it, and whoever is out in Arizona. I did not take it. Two days ago I got the memo that I could do it, but I had to decline because the baby is coming on Friday. At any second I didn’t know if my wife’s water would break and we would need to go to the hospital... It’s early on and they’re testing guys to see if they have the immunities which would mean that you’ve probably already had it. I think that’s good because if they could find out if all baseball players, and all people in general had it, it will make people be able to go back to work a lot faster and get some of the economy working… Some kind of baseball would be good for the world, and if everything was here in Arizona and quarantined, as long as our families were with us players would agree to it.” (Full Audio Above)

Dodgers pitcher Joe Kelly joined the ‘Petros and Money Show’ on AM 570 LA Sports talking about how Dodgers players were in Arizona taking COVID-19 antibodies tests amid the coronavirus pandemic that has delayed the start of the Major League Baseball season.

Twenty-seven of the league’s 30 teams will take the tests, which will include not only the players, but the coaching staffs, executives, medical staffs, and even stadium vendors too, as the testing could span nearly 10,000 people.

Major League Baseball is likely still weeks, and even months away from a possible return to the field, as it’s almost a foregone conclusion that the season will go on without fans in a completely quarantined and centralized area. Arizona and even Japan have been rumored to be possible destinations.

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